A post for all our tech nerds!

With the advent of the internet and other technologies, the world is increasingly connected. But nonprofits still face some problems determining areas and populations that their charitable work could benefit.

Enter the field of “data science”. Basically, data scientists aggregate and pore over data collected in the field, looking for underserved populations, patterns, and other very useful info. Businesses have been using data for years to guide their company’s choice, but for many nonprofits, it’s simply too expensive.

As you can read in this fascinating article “How can a data scientists create massive social impact? Try Data Without Borders”, Jake Porway saw the potential for data science-based innovation in the nonprofit sector.  Porway is the founder of Data Without Borders, a group that connects data scientists with nonprofits, pro-bono.

What new innovations do you think data science will bring to the nonprofit sector? Have you had any experience with this type of technology? Let us know on our Facebook, Twitter, and our blog!

(Written by social media intern Willa Murphy)